(804) 651-4514
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please call or text (804) 651-4514 with at least 24 hours notice. This gives me the chance to reach out to guests on my waitlist. A credit card is required on file for future bookings after an appointment is cancelled or rescheduled without proper notice. Repeat offenses will result in a 50% charge of the missed appointment.
Late Arrivals
I ask that you are on time for your appointment. Arrivals more than 10 minutes past your appointment time may need to be rescheduled. This allows me to run as on time as possible.
Additional Guests
Since I am in a small space, I ask that you come alone to your appointment if possible. If you would like to bring a guest or are escorting someone to their appointment, please reach out so we can talk about expectations of the space.
I have an open door policy. If you are not satisfied with your service, I would love the opportunity to correct it. I do ask that you reach out within two weeks if something needs to be addressed. After two weeks, a correction will be considered a paid service.
Masks are optional for vaccinated guests. I reserve the right to change this policy at any time depending on case numbers and local recommendations.
Please do not come to the salon if you are sick. If you are feeling unwell or anyone in your household has COVID-19, please let me know so we can get you rescheduled.